[arin-ppml] Weekly posting summary for ppml@arin.net
2018-08-17 04:53:03 UTC
Total of 41 messages in the last 7 days.

script run at: Fri Aug 17 00:53:02 EDT 2018

Messages | Bytes | Who
17.07% | 7 | 21.10% | 221974 | ***@delong.com
9.76% | 4 | 13.98% | 147123 | ***@umn.edu
9.76% | 4 | 9.61% | 101083 | arin-***@arin.net
7.32% | 3 | 9.90% | 104199 | ***@vt.edu
4.88% | 2 | 7.90% | 83091 | ***@iptrading.com
7.32% | 3 | 3.45% | 36334 | ***@ntt.net
7.32% | 3 | 3.04% | 31941 | ***@arin.net
4.88% | 2 | 5.26% | 55378 | ***@oregon.gov
4.88% | 2 | 4.36% | 45896 | ***@uneedus.com
4.88% | 2 | 3.27% | 34431 | ***@gmail.com
2.44% | 1 | 3.56% | 37422 | ***@netconsonance.com
2.44% | 1 | 2.89% | 30416 | ***@eclipse-networks.com
2.44% | 1 | 2.09% | 21944 | ***@gmail.com
2.44% | 1 | 2.05% | 21614 | ***@brainiacsquad.com
2.44% | 1 | 1.92% | 20224 | ***@quark.net
2.44% | 1 | 1.88% | 19767 | ***@gmail.com
2.44% | 1 | 1.82% | 19175 | ***@colovore.com
2.44% | 1 | 0.97% | 10221 | ***@mwtcorp.net
2.44% | 1 | 0.95% | 9955 | ***@us.ibm.com
100.00% | 41 |100.00% | 1052188 | Total

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